3:24 pm - Shelby leaves and Willett sisters continue to "play" chess. Alex said she will always feel paranoid in this house and she will never feel safe. Morgan tells Alex that she planted a seed with Monte that she has a younger sister so that if anyone ever brings it up that they are sisters then Morgan can say what are you talking about? Go ask Monte I've talked to him about my family. Alex asked if Morgan if she noticed she is wearing a hat every single day now. She only brought one hat so she will look like that everyday. Alex says thank you to Morgan for doing her hair and wearing pink. She says that's how she needs to dress everyday. Morgan not very happy about it. Rolling her eyes a bit with a smile. Alex said she is serious. Morgan said she will start dressing cute but she has just been super lazy. Morgan says she wonders what their mom thinks of it. Alex says, "Shout out to Kim Willett." Morgan says, "Hi Mom!" Alex asked if they embarrassed her yet? Morgan thinks she has done very well controlling herself. Alex tells Morgan about Paris room. Shane and Monte come out and Alex asks to talk to Monte.
3:28 pm - Alex and Monte go in HOH to talk. Alex told Monte she just wanted to see where his head is at. Alex says she has heard Krissys and Shelbys name (as renom options.) Monte says yes to both but insinuating that Krissy will be put up. He then says that he likes Danielle and Cornbread and doesn't want them to go home so Krissy is the one that has to be put up because she will definitely go home. Alex asked if Jason talked to Monte yet. He said no. Monte is convinced Jason won't come after him because Jason told him he wants people with targets on their backs in the house. Monte tells Alex that she needs to be worried because Jason is going to go after Alex, Whitney and Morgan. Alex said she is already 100% worried. Monte tells Alex he was trying to protect them all by getting him out. Alex says she knows she's a target in Jasons book because he is freaked out that she watches the game. Monte tells her that Jason and Justin hate Shelby. Alex says Jason 100% doesn't like her. They agree that Jason hates every girl except for Krissy. Monte said that he thinks Shelby will be gone soon. Asks Alex what she thinks. Alex says she is neutral about Shelby and she will always just be a vote - never make a big move but probably just go with the majority. Doesn't think she is dangerous. Alex says she is an easy target. She says everybody in the house is pairing her with the girls. she likes being friends with them but she also likes Shane and Scott. Alex asked Monte how she feels about Justin. He feels Justin is coming after him. After this general game talk and scenarios.
7:25 pm - Alex and Morgan meet in London room. Confides in Morgan that she feels like she will be the first targeted out of the four girls. Alex tells Morgan that Monte is not to be trusted. He doesn't make eye contact when they talk and Monte thinks he is God's gift to earth. Morgan doesn't feel that way with Monte. Alex tells Morgan she realized can't strategize with Whitney because she doesn't have a full grasp on everything, she's not suspicious, and she is too trusting. Alex and Morgan agree they didn't want to work together in the game but realize they are the only people each other can trust. Both feel that Shane is in Monte's ear and that Shane is a snake. Morgan is going to try and get closer to Monte. Alex tries to tell Morgan that Monte will never listen to her over Shane and Monte is all about the guys. Alex and Morgan agree they don't want to be a squad of girls that get used by the alpha males. Alex thinks that is what's happening it is pissing her off. Morgan tells Alex she will deflect anything if she hears her name. Alex tells Morgan Danielle has been sent to follow us by Shane. Alex tells Morgan to be careful. (Awww big sis lookin' out for lil sis) and be smart because no matter what anyone tells you there is always a motive behind it. Alex is frustrated that she feels the girls are too trusting. Morgan wants to be trusting but she also doesn't want to be an idiot. Alex tells her to never be trusting in this house. At this point they can only trust each other and always remember that. #willettsisters #besmart Convo ends 7:29 pm
7:30 pm - Scott tells Alex he needs to talk to her before Wednesday. They go into London room. Alex tells Scott she has a gut feeling that there is more going on. She is so nervous because Monte basically told her that Jason wants to target her and Whitney. Scott confirmed that Jason wants to target Whitney. Scott says it's a problem if Jason wants to target Alex. Alex says she is freaking out. Scott told Alex that Jason was talking mad shit about Shelby last night. Alex is surprised about Shelby. They agree it's fucked up he is talking shit about Shelby the can't imagine what he is saying about the rest of them. Alex thought Jason was closest to Shelby out of all the girls, besides Danielle. Shane walks in. They all generally talk about POV, renoms, HOH and plans for next week. Basically still target Jason.
8:25 pm - Alex goes in bathroom. Scott is in there. They want to talk but it's really hard to find time. Scott says he really wants to talk to her before Wednesday. She agrees. They have all day tomorrow so they will figure it out.
10:08 pm - Alex and Scott in backyard on couches. Scott says he wants to talk to Alex about his conversation with Shelby because if Krissy goes this week and Jason next, then Shelby could be good for them. Alex tells Scott that people are playing off their emotions by wanting Shelby out. Scott says Cornbread is a nut. Both don't trust Cornbread. Scott doesn't trust Cornbreads judgement. Alex says there are other people she feels that way about. Alex said Shelby doesn't think and she will only be a vote for them and will do whatever they want. Alex says group on hammock scares her - Shane, Danielle, Justin, and Jason. She thinks that if Shelby gets taken out then they can't break up that group. They don't want to tell Cornbread anything but keep him close for a vote on their side. Justin walks up.
10:12 pm - Scott and Alex say they think alike and get what each other are thinking. She asks him if he knows who he would put up if he won HOH. He tells her not to tell anyone. She says that he is the only one she talks game to like that - heart to heart. Scott is going to throw HOH. (I think this isn't what he will really do?) He then leans back and says the plan for this week is Krissy and next week is Jason. Alex relieved because she thought people would flip. She tells him that Dani follows the girls and Justin follows everyone. Both think that he is playing the best game so far.
10:25 pm - Alex, Morgan, and Shelby are in the bathroom. Shelby said she is pretending to be sad. They all agree one of them need to win HOH. Morgan tells the girls that Neely wants to talk to Morgan. Girls happy about it because Neely probably feels like the outcast. Alex wants a cute alliance name but not until after HOH so they don't jinx it. Alex told Morgan she is the most safe out of all them girls. Morgan tells them that Krissys first impression of her was that she was a cunt.
10:35 pm - Alex tells Shelby and Morgan they should start following Shane and Danielle so they can't talk. Morgan says she can't stand to be around them. Alex tells Morgan the best thing for her game is to get close to Neely.
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