4:51 pm - Alex and Morgan in HOH bathroom. They say they need to talk tonight but it's impossible. Alex tells Morgan that Monte scares her. Morgan says she trusts Monte and Monte trusts her (Morgan and Whitney. Morgan thinks Monte will listen to her and Whitney. Alex is worried that Shelby is coming across as a mean girl. Morgan thinks so too. Alex wants to tell Shelby to cool it with the attitude. Morgan said Shelby thinks it's funny but it's rubbing Morgan the wrong way and same with bread crumb (as Alex would say haha). Alex says Monte thinks he is playing the game so smart but she doesn't think he is being that smart. Morgan says she needs to stay close to him. Alex says yes she needs to and for her to tell Monte that it seems like Cornbread is going home. Also, that Monte needs to make sure Scott won't vote out Cornbread. Alex makes it a point to remind Morgan that Monte is playing the game and not everything he tells her is truthful. Morgan knows. Both don't want it to be all girls they are working with and they think that is what it is becoming. Alex says Jason and his clan have been following her and thinks they think she is a big time schemer. Morgan says that people have told her that Alex knows so much about the game. Alex says that is why she isn't working out because she doesn't want to be a big threat. Morgan tells Alex that Monte trusts her. Alex reminds her that of course he is saying that to her but when it is just Monte and Shane they talk about being good in the middle, not with them. Both want Danielle to go home. They say they would only need one more vote. Both agree that if they did that Monte wouldn't trust them so they won't do it.
4:57 pm - Alex and Morgan still in HOH bathroom. Alex tells Morgan she thinks Monte is playing them. Morgan says she doesn't think so. Alex coaching Morgan and telling her to get in Montes head about saving Cornbread. Alex says her gut is telling her that Monte isn't really on their side so don't give him a lot of information. Alex wishes she took HOH this week because she doesn't like what is happening.
6:17 pm - Alex and Scott in TBR. Alex provides good reasoning on why Scott should keep Cornbread. Scott says the he needs to talk to Shane to find out where his head is at because Scott is going to vote with Shane to save his game. Alex tells Scott that she is scared Krissy is going to put her up if she wins HOH. They talk in circles for a little. Scott ends up making the same points that Alex is making about keeping Cornbread. Scott tells her that this Big Brother isn't like normal because America is involved. Alex keeps countering Scotts argument to get rid of Cornbread. Scott says that he will make her aware on where the house will vote and she will be the first to know. Alex assured Scott that he is safe if she wins HOH next week. Both discuss how Shelby is a hot head. Alex said that she is going to distance herself from her. Scott apologizes for originally telling her to get close to Shelby.
9:06 pm - Alexs' live DR. Strategy was to NOT work with Morgan. Now working with her. She is willing to screw Morgan over if she needs to. Most loyal to Morgan right now because she knows Morgan isn't lying to her. She thought she trusted Scott but she felt that Scott was withholding information from her. Doesn't really trust anyone else but her sister. Thinks there are a lot of great personalities in the house. She really likes Whitney. She trusts her for the most part and thinks she's a really really really good person. Wibed with her on the spot. Scott is awesome. She loves him. Her "people" change day by day. Alex doesn't like Danielle. Their personalities clash. Every time Alex tries to speak Danielle buts in and Alex can't get a word in. She noticed it happens with everyone. To Alex there is a beauty in taking the time to listen to people and get to know them and she doesn't think Danielle does that and it drives Alex absolutely insane. Her strategy for next week is breaking up the showmance Danielle and Shane. Doesn't understand why people aren't targeting them. They are running the house. It's a red flag. They are a power couple. If Alex gets HOH she is breaking them up. As a super fan, the high point for her was just being in the house. She feels blessed and grateful to be there. The whole experience has been a high for her. Highs and lows. she is loving it all. She needs to win HOH next week otherwise she is going home. She thought she had a strong alliance but once Jason got off the block that quickly changed. She thinks she is targeted because she is a superfan and knowledgable about the game. She is trying to lie low this week especially with her sister being in the house. She has heard she is a target, same with Shelby and the people she is aligned with. She has to win head of household and change the game. otherwise the other side of the house is going to run away with it and she can't let that happen. Gig em!
9:36 pm - Alex and Shelby talking in TBR. Alex knows that Shane and Monte are each trying to run a side of the house. Ales told Shelby that they are both screwed because it's basically been confirmed that the other side of the house views Alex and Shelby as the biggest threats of the girls.
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